+ I read my free analysis results and now want to order the remedy that correlates with it - now what?

Simply order which remedy package you would like and reference the order number from your free analysis. The first remedy you receive will be based off the free analysis results. This eliminates the need for having to send in another swab kit. Note: In order to create a remedy that is effective, the analysis that it's created from can be no older than 3 weeks.

+ What is the best time to take my drops?

Most people find that it is easiest to take in the morning and before going to bed. It is important to keep in mind however that you should not take drops 15 minutes before or after eating, or brushing teeth.

+ Is there a certain way I should store my drops?

Avoid placing drops close to any (3 feet minimum) electronic devices such as cell phones, computers, televisions, car dashboards etc. Best solution is to store drops in medicine cabinet or drawer, away from electronics.

+ What happens to my swab after it is analyzed?

After analysis, all swabs are disposed of following standard biological waste procedures. First, it is placed into an approved biological waste container. The container is picked up on a regular basis by a licensed contractor. Contents of the container are then properly disposed following U. S. Government guidelines.

+ If I lose, spill or break the bottle containing my remedy, what should I do?

Contact us at and we will send you a remedy that allows you to finish the number of weeks left on your schedule.

+ After I choose a plan, can I switch to another plan at a later date?

Yes – If you find that you would like to make a plan change you can log into your account and walk through the steps to do so. The cost of any plan change will be prorated accordingly.

+ What should I do if I am currently taking medications?

It is important that you continue to take any medication that has been prescribed to you by a physician. Should you choose to share the ATÜN analysis with your physician, any modifications to your current prescriptions and or medication is completely between you and your physician.

+ Should I expect any negative side effects from taking drops?

Typically no. The exception is when you are removing several toxins from the body. In some cases this can initially cause mild headaches and produce a copper taste in your mouth for a period of a few days.

+ Exactly what is in the drops I received?

The solution begins as simply water and saline or alcohol, which act as a stabilizers. After your analysis, the water is imprinted with frequencies to assist in the process of bringing your body back in balance.

+ Are there any foods that I should avoid while taking my drops?

Mint may interrupt or diminish the effectiveness of certain frequencies. It is recommended that you avoid the use of mint (including in your toothpaste) during your round of drops.

+ Is Bioenergetic analysis a substitute for conventional medicine?

No. Bioenergetic analysis is not a substitute. Conventional medical testing and Bioenergetic analysis do not share the same objectives, even though they complement each other. Bioenergetic analysis is not used to establish the presence or absence of a condition that has a recognized disease label in conventional medicine. For that, you should see a conventional doctor. Bioenergetic analysis is used specifically to asses energetic.

+ Can I take more than one Homeopathic remedy at time?

Yes! You can take multiple Homeopathic remedies at the same time. Although if you order from ATÜN you'll rarely get more than one- as everything from your last analysis will be contained in one remedy bottle!

+ Can you tell me more about the history of bio-energetics?

The importance of bio-energetics or bio-physics to health is by no means a new concept. In fact, it represents the basis of traditional Chinese medicine which dates back over 4,000 years. Chinese medicine identified the meridians or energetic channels that form electrical pathways throughout the body. The flow of life energy or ‘Chi’ in these channels relies on them remaining in balance and free of blockages, and our ability to stay healthy and fight off disease in turn depends on this vital flow. Stimulation of points on these channels with needles, acupuncture, heat or pressure represents the basis of many forms of health treatment, ancient and modern. Homeopathy, which was developed over 200 years ago in Germany, also impacts upon the energetic system of the body. Animal, plant and mineral substances are diluted, often beyond the point where a molecule of the initial substance can still remain. Paradoxically, these diluted substances have greater impact the more times they are diluted. Obviously, this can’t be comprehended chemically; the action is energetic. The development of modern bio-energetic medicine is credited to Rhinehold Voll, M.D.. He developed equipment capable of electronically locating acupuncture points. He then correlated these points with anatomical parts of the body and physiological functions, thereby synthesizing western science with the centuries-old traditions of Oriental medicine. Today there are thousands of practitioners utilizing these techniques – many times referred to as functional medicine – with almost one out of three physicians in Europe employing homeopathic medicines in their practices. Currently in the United States, it is estimated that more than 70 percent of patients in any general practice suffer from functional disturbances. Simply speaking, a functional disturbance occurs when no specific tissue or organ damage can be identified by conventional lab work or other pathological diagnostics, yet the patient still experiences a myriad of symptoms. These disturbances take place when you can no longer compensate adequately for changes in the environment, including both internal conditions of the body and external circumstances. Since disease does not begin with pathology but with a pre-clinical phase, bio-energetic analysis helps detect and identify these energetic and regulatory disturbances earlier — even from the very beginning of a pre-clinical phase when you display symptoms, but nobody can identify their cause.